Monday, April 30, 2007
Anteeksi: FormFoam

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Frederik Molenschot

Friday, April 27, 2007
Sparks: NONdesigns Bubbles

So, starting today I'll be posting Friday Sparks. Some posts will still be cool designs - although they'll have to be truly ingenious to make the cut - but many will be outside the product realm. The focus may be a fascinating designer (like Terunobu Fujimori), new materials or just simply a wondrous sight.
We're starting with the creative team at NONdesigns. Well known for their hit TOPO table from last year's ICFF, the LA-based designers also work on a number of awe-inspiring installations. One of my favorites is BUBBLES, an interactive project consisting of 16 inflatable balloons packed into a 25'x50' space. To manage their tight environment the bubbles inflate and deflate in reaction to a visitor's movements. I just love these majestic balloons and they look so beautiful all lit up.
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Design Friday

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sound Chair

Studio Libertiny: Honeycomb Vase

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Lene Toni Kjeld

I found the assembly to be quite beautiful, which is probably why I am so drawn to Danish designer Lene Toni Kjeld's collection. With patterns flowing on top of one another, her wallcoverings offer the same sense of beauty and history. While the designs may not be everyone's cup of tea, the patterns do give your walls a chance to create an interesting story of their own.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Some Assembly Required: Takehiro Ando

The felt shapes come in packs of 20, 50 and 100, allowing the user to create their own fun forms. Whether that be a curtain of crosses, a lampshade of clustered cumas or a circular throw is up to you. Whether you want to pay roughly $1 a piece for a felt cut-out is also up to you - but hey, why a put a price tag on fun? (via pan-dan)
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Kitchen Lab
The recent Eindhoven graduate created a complete kitchen unit based on the simple principle of symbiosis. Water dripping from your dishes feeds the plants below and helps keep your counter top containers cool. Waste is immediately composted in it's own little holder, creating...you guessed it...fresh soil for your herbs.
While at first I wasn't too excited by the aesthetics of the system, now that I've seen how much thought went into the design, I think it looks pretty darn good.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Spotted in Milan

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Adrian Rovero

Monday, April 16, 2007
Ohio Knitting Mills

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Steven Haulenbeek

Haulenbeek's 'Paraseat' is another smart design based on the simple observation that the places where people most often wait, (bus stops, subways etc.) are located next to poles. The solution: a portable little seat that slips onto a pole and self-supports your weight. No more questionable subway seats or city benches for you! (via Core 77)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Reminder: Call for Entries

Designer's Delight: Bouf

Sägen Butik

Perhaps it coast of Sweden, where the crafters of Sägen Butik transform broken shards of ceramics into beautiful necklaces, rings, earrings and more. Getting a little nostalgic for my ocean days, I snatched up the necklace above, but they have many, many wonderful pieces available in their online shop. (Via the blog of all things beautiful, Bloesem)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Terunobu Fujimori: Future Friend

His structures have included everything from pine trees (above) to roofs and walls covered in chives, dandelions and grass. Don't mistake Fujimori for a green roof guru though; his work is more the result of his aesthetic intentions than energy saving ideals. His style reminds me of houses from a lost world - in a sort of surreal, storybook fantasy, dream-treehouse kind of way.
Fujimori is also one of the founding members of the Roadway Observation Society (ROJO), a group of friends who seek out and document the often overlooked little details of our urban landscape. I love these ROJO photos, it's inspiring me to start my own band of merry wanderers right here in Denver. Maybe I'll even send Fujimori a letter.
Monday, April 09, 2007
GAMplusFRATESI Ant'ique

Friday, April 06, 2007
Gesine Hackenberg

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Not the case with Swiss designers, 366cm. They can make pretty trash cans from scraps of paper, elegant candlesticks from old bottles and colorful picture frames from used telephone cards. Yeah, they're pretty great. Their processes aren't complicated and some of the items you and I could probably make at home. To be honest though, I probably wouldn't take the time to make a frame or a coat hook from an old calling card, but I'm sure glad there's someone who does.
Check out their 'Bobby' decanter as well...not a re-use item, but clever all the same.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Austrian Design: Two for Tuesday 2

Austrian Design: Two for Tuesday

Monday, April 02, 2007
Austrian Design: Polka

Another Austrian gem is the design firm Polka Products. You may remember me writing about their colorful 'Doosey Lights', but Polka actually makes a full line of products, ranging from furniture to tableware. Two of my favorites are their glass carafe and breadbasket. The carafe is a great all-in-one item, with a little cup resting on top doing double-duty as a stopper. The breadbasket is another clever piece - a cloth napkin with an interior wire frame. Now you can play with your food and it's container too!
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