The format is simple. The topic is open. Each presenter gets 20 slides, timed for 20 seconds each. Highlighting everything from professional work to personal hobbies and collections, these evenings are PowerPoint meets Variety Show and they are currently being hosted all over the globe. Started by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham in Tokyo, Pecha Kucha Night is a way for creatives of all types to share and network in a concise, exciting, rapid-fire format.
Our first Pecha Kucha Night will take place Friday, March 28th at Buntport Theater in Denver. Doors open at 8 PM, program starts at 8:20 (20:20) PM. $5 suggested donation at the door. The line-up for this first one is awesome - we'll have people talking about everything from obituaries to design theories. Whoa is right.
So come be entertained and informed...and next time sign up to do your own show and tell.
Great Idea! I hope it ends up being a success for you and all those who attend.
I wish I could go but it's the same night as Mod Livin's Best in Show charity event.
You're going to do it again though, right?
Thanks Cyrus!
Hi Risa, you could do BOTH - Mod Livin's event starts at 7, ours starts at 8:20. If you are in the auction you would probably want to stay, but otherwise come on over! But, yes, we will be doing it again in the summer and about 3-4 times a year thereafter. You should also sign-up to present!
i helped my friend with his dog so i should stay. but i he might be interested in signing up for future nights too...he does some amazing ceramic work and has some great collections that he takes gorgeous photo of...i'll send him a link to your site.
pecha kucha in new york was less than a hit.
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