Saturday, April 14, 2007

Steven Haulenbeek

Here are two interesting projects from Chicago-based designer Steven Haulenbeek. 'Object Frames' are a clever combination of shelf and frame, perfect for displaying your most treasured knick-knacks.

Haulenbeek's 'Paraseat' is another smart design based on the simple observation that the places where people most often wait, (bus stops, subways etc.) are located next to poles. The solution: a portable little seat that slips onto a pole and self-supports your weight. No more questionable subway seats or city benches for you! (via Core 77)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jaime, I nomited you for the Thinking Awards Blogger. Please, check the link at Neorama. Congrats from Brazil, Vanessa.

jaime said...

Hi Vanessa,

Wow, thanks! That's very nice of you, I enjoy reading your blog too, although something definitely gets lost in the online translation! If only I knew Portuguese...
Thanks again, J